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my photography journey began in may of 2023 when i received my first camera as a graduation gift, the canon powershot g7x mark ii. originally, it was with the intention of creating videos, but that fantasy was never long-lived (for now, at least). instead, i started randomly asking about on instagram if anyone wanted pictures taken of them, had a few random photoshoots with people i knew and people i didn't know, developing my style and honing it to whatever the hell it is today.

i love taking photos, it's one of the only creative hobbies i have anymore that doesn't drain me. i took this interest of mine to the next level when i purchased the fujifilm x-t5 in august of the same year, blowing off an arm and a leg in the process with its cost. but i love that damn thing with all of my heart. i can't think of a better hybrid camera for photographers, fujifilm's atmosphere is just next level. i can't wait to share what i find across the world.

i edit my photos with VSCO, it's actually a bit underrated. their film simulations & presets are perfect.

some of my inspirations are faizal westcott, flo ngala, vuhlandes, suyeon park, xiu xiu kong, taylor pendleton, daria kobayashi ritch, and gawx. some of my dream places to take pictures are ghana, morocco, iceland, norway, latvia, japan, vietnam, and actually everywhere on the planet, so i don't know why i wrote out specific ones?
